A Faith That Never Fails: Jesus Your Intercessor | Pastor Gregory Dickow


You don’t have to be holy enough or stand with your strength; because your faith will carry you when it is in God’s steadfastness—not yours! Pastor Gregory Dickow continues his message series about an everlasting faith that never fails. Our faith is not in our ability to stand, but in Jesus’ ability to help us stand. He’s the author and finisher of a perfected faith. Watch and experience Jesus lift the burden and pressure of perfection off of your shoulders!

Instagram: https://gregorydickow.lnk.to/fy_FLLS
Twitter: https://gregorydickow.lnk.to/PdTgKLS
Youtube: https://gregorydickow.lnk.to/CzgpNLS
Website: https://gregorydickow.lnk.to/oN26nLS