A Word of Blessing for You this Christmas


Here are just a few of the amazing things that God accomplished through you and our ministry together in 2017: 

Inner City Chicago — Blessed 800 underprivileged school children with backpacks—filled with school supplies to last them the entire year.

Prisons — Sponsored 200 children of incarcerated parents and hand-delivered Christmas presents individually to each of them—showing them the love of their Heavenly Father.

Haiti — This year we personally gave away 5000 Bibles translated into Creole in Haiti—going village to village taking the Light of the world to the darkest of places.

Developing Leaders — Trained, equipped, and certified 400 pastors in Haiti to go into their communities with authority and power. This is changing that nation.

Hurricane Relief — Provided thousands of dollars and supplies provided through our boots on the ground in Florida, Houston, and Puerto Rico.

Peru — Clothed 700 poverty-stricken children, as well as hand-delivered Christmas gifts to those in the remote mountain areas of Oyón, in Lima, Peru.

Souls, Souls, Souls! — Most importantly, through our many local outreaches and street evangelism, we individually & personally led 3300 people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. These precious souls were lost, and they have been found!

All of this is just a snapshot of the ways we are reaching those who need God’s love the most. I am passionate about all the things we’ve done, but more passionate about what we have coming in 2018!

I am in awe of the miracles that we have witnessed together and the thousands of lives that have been changed by God’s love this year. Your generosity enabled us to spread the Gospel to many precious lives—sharing the life-changing message of our Lord Jesus Christ!
We’ve reached over 100 countries with the gospel and touched millions of lives through our television and media outreach, but we’re just getting started!

All of this and more has been POSSIBLE because of YOU! THANK YOU for your compassion. THANK YOU for your generosity and partnership with our ministry.In 2017, with your help, we will continue to make a difference in the lives of countless people living without the love of God and without hope—God has given us a MISSION to introduce people to the real Jesus, empower them to rise to their true worth and purpose, and to change mindsets that will change the world.