Chiiillleee, W.E.’re taking this show on the road and bringing the Woman Evolve experience to a city near you! Join us for a NIGHT IN THE WILD: An evening with Sarah Jakes Roberts, for a special night of sisterhood, faith, fun and fashion unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
In an area that would be inhospitable for anyone – A WILD WOMAN THRIVES because God has already prepared that place for her. “Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared for her by God…” (Rev 12:6) No matter the opposition you may be facing, God designed your wilderness long before your arrival for you to not just survive, but to THRIVE.
Join us for this ONE NIGHT EVENT that will awaken the wild woman in you! Prepare to be empowered both spiritually and practically so that you are able to navigate any season and evolve into the highest version of yourself.
GET TICKETS at WomanEvolve.Com and STAY TUNED for upcoming tour dates & locations!
Night In The Wild Tour – 2019