The God of Abundance – Superior in Quality and Quantity | Answers That Work with Mike Moore


Are you settling for less than what God has for you?

When Mike Moore (Founding Pastor of Faith Chapel) and his wife started the church, it was small, hot, and had very few members. They handled everything—from preaching to cleaning. During that season, God spoke to Mike: “I am the God of Abundance.” Years later, Faith Chapel has grown beyond expectations—but it didn’t happen by accident.

What about you? Do you ever feel like there should be more for your life?

In this episode of Answers That Work with Mike Moore, you’ll learn:
🔹 Why thinking too small can hold you back
🔹 What “abundance” really means—it’s more than money
🔹 How to stop feeling like there’s never enough
🔹 What could be keeping you from the life God has for you

🚀 God never intended for you to struggle through life. It’s time to stop settling for less and start stepping into everything He has for you. You must develop an abundance mentality.

👉 Watch now and start living in abundance!
#theGodofAbundance #AnswersThatWork #stopsettlingforless #S2E09

👉➡️Get Mike Moore’s book:
📚The God of Abundance (mini book): Available in paperback (Size: 4″x6″)

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