The Next Dance | Romantic Dance Movie | Tiara Ashleigh | Tatiana Bascope | Jordan Bobbitt


Best friends, Selena (Danielle Curiel) and her neighbor Tristian (Jonathan McDaniels) grow up together but pursue different lives. Selena lives to dance, which she does at her mother’s cash strapped studio. Tristian is a real ladies man who works in his overbearing father’s accounting firm. When pop star Blake Andrews (Brandon Mychal Smith) holds a dance competition with $100,000 in prize money and a tour, Selena is determined to help her mother save the dance studio. Tristian, happy to get away from his dad, is ready to help. Through the magic of dance, Selena and Tristian realize the love they have for each other. But when Selena’s mother reveals shocking news about her father, her distrust in men pushes Tristian away. With the dance competition fast approaching, Tristian and Selena must find a way to get back in step.

Director: Steve Snyder
Writer: Jenn Pinto
Stars: Tiara Ashleigh, Tatiana Bascope, Jordan Bobbitt

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