This Is What We Are Called to Do


2017 has been an amazing year, and because of you, we are reaching the world for Jesus Christ and fulfilling what God has called us to do together- to go out into the most spiritually desolate and often physically dangerous places to bring God’s love and Jesus’ grace to those that need it most.

That’s why we opened a church in Haiti and an outreach ministry center- right in the heart of inner-city Chicago—as a mission—to those who need it most. We can turn even the most dangerous city in America around, through the power of the gospel and practical love!

When Jesus came to this earth, He didn’t stay safe in the community, reporting from the sidelines in a newsroom about how bad things had gotten. He went down into the masses and touched the sick, the broken, the dying, the demon-possessed, the prostitutes and the destitute. That’s what we are called to do. For too long we’ve been saddened by the awful news coming out of the inner city of Chicago; along with the natural disasters in places like Haiti, Puerto Rico, Texas, and Florida. But we went there. We sent people and put boots on the ground. We didn’t just send money or supplies. We made sure that the people who need our help the most get what they need the most- and from people you and I can trust.

Here are just a few people you and I blessed this year . . .

This year we personally gave away 5000 Bibles translated into Creole in Haiti, going village to village taking the Light of the world to the darkest of places.

We trained, equipped and certified 400 pastors in Haiti, to go into their communities with authority and power.

Blessed 800 underprivileged school children with backpacks filled with school supplies to last them the entire year.

Sponsored 200 children of incarcerated parents, hand-delivering Christmas presents individually to each of them to show them the love of their Heavenly Father.

Thousands of dollars and supplies provided through our boots on the ground in Florida, Houston, and Puerto Rico.

Clothed 700 poverty stricken children along with Christmas gifts to those in the remote mountain areas of Oyon, in Lima, Peru.

Most importantly, through our outreaches we individually & personally led 3300 people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. These precious souls were lost, and they have been found!

All of this is just a snapshot of the ways we are reaching those who need God’s love the most. I am passionate about all the things we’ve done, but more passionate about what we have coming in 2018! We’ve reached over 100 countries and touched millions of lives, but we’re just getting started!

We won’t stop changing lives and winning souls. The true message of Jesus’ healing love and grace can and will save so many more lives and you can help. As the year ends and people consider where to send their final and best donation of the year, I’d like to ask that you sow your seed into this ministry. It is truly fertile soil.
You may not think that what you have in your hands is enough to make a difference. But when you take what you have and put it in His hands, it becomes MORE than enough.

Your giving goes to put roofs over widows heads, beds & pillows for those affected by hurricanes to sleep on, food and water and Bibles for those in desperate need. Your giving allows us to send our missionaries into Chicago prisons and reach out and try to save children.

I’m believing that the seed you sow into this ministry will multiply 100-fold back to you. Whatever you can give will without a doubt affect REAL CHANGE and WIN SOULS! For every $50 we receive, we’re able to reach 100 more people who need to hear the true message of God’s love and healing. Help us heal these people and reach these places. I know you’ll do your best. I’m believing God will help you find a way to give your best gift today. These people really need our help.

Even BETTER NEWS when you give today, we have received a matching gift challenge of up to $50,000 for people’s final year end gifts. Glory to God! So whatever you give today is ACTUALLY WORTH DOUBLE. Your gift of $50 is worth $100, your gift of $500 is actually worth $1000! WOW! When you sow your seed it will already be multiplied! Whatever you can give, know that it will be made double as soon as you make it!

I ask that you do your absolute best today!

Sow your best gift today: