Read | Psalm 119:97-99
Spiritual discernment is the ability to see from the Lord’s viewpoint. God’s Holy Spirit works in our lives so that we are able to see beneath the surface of things. This is necessary if we are to know the difference between . . .
• What is error and what is truth.
• What is good and what is best.
• What is God’s will and what is man’s.
Because our heavenly Father wants us to know these distinctions, He provided the Holy Spirit to instruct and guide us. God’s Spirit discerns perfectly because He knows everything that the Father and Son know (John 16:13).
We often struggle in our spiritual walk. For example, in our prayer life, we are unsure what to pray; in our decision-making, we wonder whether a particular choice is God’s will; and in our relationships, we question how to be an effective witness for Christ.
But as we mature in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord, we will be able to pray confidently to perceive God’s will and to share our faith. It is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit to help us. He will guide us into all truth. Our part is to cooperate with the Spirit and learn from Him (John 14:25-27; 16:5-15); to study the Word of God (Heb. 4:12-13); and to put into practice what is revealed to us.
Just as it takes time and perseverance to develop strong physical muscles, acquiring discernment requires persistence and patient submission to the teaching of the Spirit. But this is our Father’s desire for us. Why would we want anything less?