Our Thoughts


Dr. Charles Stanley

Read | Philippians 4:8-9

The popular expression “You are what you eat” is an encouragement to give our physical bodies good food. The idea also applies to our mental wellbeing. The mind’s appetite is much like the stomach’s, which becomes accustomed to the diet we provide and craves more of the same. Dwelling on whatever is pure, lovely, and right develops a hunger to receive more of God’s goodness. But if we take in what our culture calls excellent, we develop a taste for that instead.

The world presents some delicious-looking offerings—TV is one example. But mixed in with some fine educational programming is a lot of junk. Certain believers consider it okay to watch a show that violates scriptural values, since it’s “just entertainment.” However, everything our mind ingests shapes our views and values. Allowing incorrect teaching and sinful ideas into our thinking can warp our understanding of right and wrong.

If an idea, action, or activity is not true or honorable—that is, if it violates Scripture in some way—then God is not in it. And if God is absent, then Satan is present. The Enemy’s mission is to draw our focus away from the Lord. Once the Devil has someone’s attention, he’ll keep presenting more tasty-looking “junk food” to keep that individual occupied while leading him farther from the Lord and deeper into depravity.

There’s so much clamoring for our attention—entertainment, philosophies, teachings—and whatever isn’t of the Lord has potential to taint our value system. Believers are wise to use discernment and feast only on the things of God.